Continuous Learning and Improvement (CX Centric State of Customer-Centricity Report)

Bongani Ncube

August 14, 2024

Continuous Learning and Improvement (CX Centric State of Customer-Centricity Report)

At the end of 2023 CX Centric launched the first global State of Customer Centricity Research Project. The objective of this project was to establish a global benchmark related to Customer Centricity. Over 250 organisations worldwide took part in this project. This research was based on the Customer Centricity Maturity Model (CCMM). To access the full State of Customer Centricity report click here.

In this article we explore the results specifically related to Continuous Learning and Improvement, which is one of the eight principle domains of the CCMM Model.

This involves a multilevel process where members individually and collectively acquire knowledge by acting together and reflecting together.

Having engaged employees is a critical success factor for any organization, and this is becoming more and more difficult with customer-centric organizations. We need visionary leaders.

This means leaders that explain this, explain the role that the business plays in society and the role that the business plays in the lives of customers every day. This often is the foundation to improve employee engagement

Out of the organizations that took part in the state of customer centricity 2023 research project, 65% of organizations were made up of employees who were not passionate about the role that their business plays in society, or even in the lives of their customers. They're just doing their job. But today, organizations need to innovate at a grassroots level. So we need employees to take the time and the risk to challenge and to innovate, and this doesn't happen by accident. We need structures and we need processes to encourage and drive innovation. This is part of the CCMM model.

To learn more on the importance of Continuous Learning and Improvement click here

This October we are running our first all-encompassing 5 week Customer Experience Winter School. We will support professionals to level up their knowledge and skills in Customer Experience. Please check out the link and register interest. Please note that spaces are limited so reserve your space to avoid disappointment.

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