Customer-Centric Community (CX Centric State of Customer-Centricity Report)

Jonathan Daniels

August 14, 2024

Customer-Centric Community (CX Centric State of Customer-Centricity Report)

At the end of 2023 CX Centric launched the first global State of Customer Centricity Research Project. The objective of this project was to establish a global benchmark related to Customer Centricity. Over 250 organisations worldwide took part in this project. This research was based on the Customer Centricity Maturity Model (CCMM). To access the full State of Customer Centricity report click here.

In this article we explore the results specifically related to Customer-Centric Community, which is one of the eight principle domains of the CCMM Model.

A customer-Centric community is a network of colleagues across the organization that meet regularly to discuss customer trends and to identify how to improve the customer experience. Organisations with higher maturity levels include Customers in this community, and there is a wealth of benefits associated with this.

Transforming customer journeys, especially in large organizations, means revisiting touchpoints which are managed by different departments. Hence, this type of work requires cross-functional collaboration. Only 20% of organizations that took part in the survey have a systematic approach to this, and this matches all the other surveys that have been realized around customer experience, which say that the biggest barrier to improving the customer experience is having a siloed mentality and organizational silos.

Our research showed that one in four organizations leave the responsibility of improving the customer experience and growing levels of retention to one department. This strategy doesn't work for us because managing the customer experience needs to be an organization-wide task.

Customer Centric Community is one of the eight dimensions of the CCMM Model. To learn more about Customer-Centric Community please click here

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