How to cut through the digital noise to drive Media Subscriptions?

Bongani Ncube

August 21, 2024

How to cut through the digital noise to drive Media Subscriptions?

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CX Centric leads international interactive discussions centered around Business Growth through Customer Experience. These are known as CX Centric Conversations. Recently we led a discussion focused on the Media industry. This involved leaders from The Economist as well as The New York Times. As part of this discussion, it was noted that cutting through digital noise is a real challenge for Media Companies. In this article, we present this challenge, along with the threats and opportunities. We then conclude with some concrete recommendations for the Media industry.

What do we mean by Cutting Through the Digital Noise?

We have noticed that many readers are finding it difficult to see all the related opinions for a particular topic or subject. And this often leads to polarised perspectives. In addition, we see that information can often be irrelevant for a reader, and can also be too detailed, or not detailed enough. Finally, we find ourselves asking the question: ‘Do algorithms push the information to readers’? What mechanism is linking readers to articles? What are organizations doing to ensure that their articles reach the relevant readers at the right time? And is the general strategic approach that we are witnessing today sustainable?

Opportunities to cut through Digital Noise in Media

  • Staying objective - Readers appreciate when Media companies clearly differentiate between facts and opinions.

  • More business through engagement - We notice that businesses who

  • Make the right decisions for your customers - i.e. through putting more emphasis on V.O.C

Threats against cutting through Digital Noise in Media

  • Rise of Algorithms - We are witnessing algorithms being designed to benefit the media companies, but often to the detriment of the subscribers/readers

  • Fake news - Customers are finding it difficult to filter between real and fake news.

  • The credibility of the sources - Customers are finding it difficult to gauge the credibility of news sources.

Recommendations to Media Companies to help cut through Digital Noise

  • Find out what is engaging to your readers and what they really value through market research, this helps media companies to concentrate on the value proposition of their subscribers/readers

  • Use the right algorithms to get the noise away

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