Leadership (CX Centric State of Customer-Centricity Report)

Jonathan Daniels

August 19, 2024

Leadership (CX Centric State of Customer-Centricity Report)

At the end of 2023 CX Centric launched the first global State of Customer Centricity Research Project. The objective of this project was to establish a global benchmark related to Customer Centricity.  Over 250 organisations worldwide took part in this project. This research was based on the Customer Centricity Maturity Model (CCMM). To access the full State of Customer Centricity report click here.

In this article we explore the results specifically related to Leadership which is one of the eight principle domains of the CCMM Model.

Effectively Leadership is a critical success factor in any customer-centric transformation. It begins with an acknowledgement and respect for the importance of the Customer Experience, signified by budget and resources allocated to Customer Experience improvement activities.

When it comes to leadership. We asked two key questions. The first was in thinking about your customer experience budget, which best describes your organization? The first major finding was that nearly 60% of organizations admit that they don't have adequate budget to support their customer experience objectives, so the question is why the lack of investment in customer experience? The first reason is often that organizations don't understand the concepts of customer experience, some are doing the basics, but implementing it poorly. For instance, they'll put in a voice of customer platform and they'll pay to have this implemented, but then all the information that comes through isn't followed up, it isn't shared across the business, it isn't prioritized, it isn't even discussed at senior management level.

And the last is, and probably the most sad, is that actually, for many organizations, managing the customer experience just isn't a priority for a lot of organizations, customer experience is something that they just give lip service to. At CX-Centric, we've developed a training course to talk about the why behind customer experience, why should your business invest in customer experience and the what as well?

We have put together frameworks to help you implement customer experience in your organization. The CCM framework also has a dimension on leadership and investing in customer experience as one of the sub-dimensions of the framework.

Also putting your organization through the CCMM assessment is a good way to assess where you are currently and what opportunities are presented to your organization to help it grow.

The other major finding is that one in three organizations are made up of employees who are often blocked by poor processes or poor technology, or maybe even poor policies and little effort is made to fix this. So this is clearly a leadership problem, and it has been the case of seeing some organizations that it's more of a communication issue.

So there are projects in place and there are plans in place to remove the blockers, and to improve the technology. But maybe these plans are just not communicated well. The other aspects in relation to employee experience is that since 2022, a lot of organizations are understanding the link between employee experience and customer experience. So business leaders are realizing that they need to support and empower their employee. Both to improve operational excellence and also to encourage and drive innovation.

To download the full report click here

To learn more on the importance of Leadership click here

This October we are running our first all-encompassing 5 week Customer Experience Winter School. We will support professionals to level up their knowledge and skills in Customer Experience. Please check out the link and register interest. Please note that spaces are limited so reserve your space to avoid disappointment.

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