Creating a Customer Centric Environment in Pharmacies. A Case study by Révérien Uwacu

Bongani Ncube

August 20, 2024

Creating a Customer Centric Environment in Pharmacies. A Case study by Révérien Uwacu

Révérien UWACU

This case study is an extract from The Customer Experience Playbook by Jonathan Daniels. The full book can be purchased here. One of the industries which have been working tirelessly because of the Covid-19 pandemic is that of the pharmaceutical industry. Mounting pressure from different stakeholders demanding an effective vaccine to the virus to also having increased absenteeism by workers fearing for their lives as they are the frontline workers have all been the order of the day in the pharmaceutical industry. This has forced the pharmaceutical companies’ different management personnel to come up with different strategies and solutions to try and reduce these sad trends of events.


Reverien is part of the Management of a European Distribution Site of one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. In the period of the COVID-19 Crisis, there was generally a high rate of absenteeism in his organization.

The Approach:

Reverien implemented collaborative leadership principles and practices within his team. He was able to build an atmosphere of trust and security, which made his team more open to take risks and suggest improvements to Customer Experience. Without a department supervisor, employees in Reverien's team organized themselves, adapting their shifts to ensure that daily activities were completed as normal.

Achieved Results:

Absenteeism became a thing of the past in the organization, as employees felt trusted, cared for, and recognized hence it made them feel part of the organization thus willing to take risks for the well-being of the organization. Employees also became more responsible and committed towards their work meaning they now need little to no supervision at all in many instances. The Customer retention rate also increased by an impressive 40% all thanks to the well-crafted customer experience strategies.

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