Improving the patient experience. A Case Study by Momchil Blaskov

Bongani Ncube

August 20, 2024

Improving the patient experience. A Case Study by Momchil Blaskov

Momchil Blaskov

This case study is an extract from The Customer Experience Playbook by Jonathan Daniels. The full book can be purchased here. Patient Experience is simply defined as all the range of interactions that the patient has with the health care system including from their health plans to their physician practices. To find out what the real demands of patients are, health organizations need to invest big monies into their research and development departments, which has proved to be a challenge for many organizations. Once a health organization gets it right with patient experience, an ever-expanding and loyal cliental base is guaranteed.


In the healthcare industry, both patients experience and employee experience are very important. One of Blaskov’s clients who happens to be the largest not-for-profit healthcare provider in the United Kingdom had set in place a patient experience program. This program was fragmented and most of the feedback methods were manual. In turn, this led to a lack of accountability, plus no real-time information. The experience of the patients and hospital staff were both drastically under the set targets.

The Approach:

In salvaging the healthcare provider from this disaster, Blaskov’s team then created a detailed roadmap, and also made a quick implementation of the GemSeek CX platform. All hospital employees received actionable insights relevant to their role e.g. the managers would receive immediate feedback after a patient visit, highlighting things like cleanliness and also the friendliness of the staff. The healthcare providers were able to evaluate the information and agree on the next steps, whether it be training, or just communicating to staff to remind them of what ‘good service’ looked like.

Achieved Results:

This led to a 5% increase in revenue, a 15% increase in patient satisfaction, as well as a 300% return on the initial investment, impressive results which have led to these healthcare providers forever sticking with the CX-Centric approach.

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