Leveraging CX to grow subscribers in the Non-Profit sector with Mandisa Makubalo

Bongani Ncube

August 20, 2024

Leveraging CX to grow subscribers in the Non-Profit sector with Mandisa Makubalo

Mandisa Makubalo

This case study is an extract from The Customer Experience Playbook by Jonathan Daniels. The full book can be purchased here. The nature of not-for-profit organizations operating in a competitive economy means there will always be major obstacles for these organizations to overcome. Lack of resources, property challenges, limited funding, and talent retention are amongst the lingering challenges that these not-for-profit organizations have been battling for decades.

The Challenge

Mandisa is helping a not-for-profit organization in South Africa with the main purpose of influencing socio-economic justice, fairness, and equality in the country. The almost four and a half decades old organization then noticed a decline in both member retention and sales of new memberships. The website of the organization was also outdated to the organization also not having proper analytics set up. It was thus Mandisa’s job to change all that. The client had no way of tracking and scoring prospects.

The Approach

Mandisa’s team spent months tackling the problem the not-for-profit organization was faced with. Part of the solutions they adopted in tackling this problem was to do qualitative and quantitative research, interviewing employees, members, sponsors, and stakeholders to really see how people perceived them. Mandisa and her team also had to re-design the website. In solving the analytics setup problem, Mandisa and her team set up a series of actions that would combine with metrics quantity a “qualified” lead to also manually assigning point values to different actions that users executed on the site.

Achieved Results

The not-for-profit organization saw a substantial change in its systems. They can now distinguish between different customers based on how they interacted with their assets. So far the organization has also identified just over 200 qualified leads. The result was a 40% increase in new contract signings hence enabling the organization to have access to the much-needed financial resources to keep the business afloat.

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